Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day – Winning the Battle of the Mind

Winning the Battle of the Mind
– From The Power Of Being Thankful by Joyce Meyer

II Corinthians 10:5
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Satan has declared war on God’s children, and our minds are the battlefield in which the war is won or lost. Satan loves to put wrong thoughts into our minds—thoughts that are not in agreement with God’s Word—hoping we will meditate on them long enough for them to become reality in our lives. We can cast down those wrong thoughts and bring every thought captive into the obedience of Jesus Christ.

Be thankful that you can choose your own thoughts and you are not a prisoner to whatever kinds of thoughts just fall into your mind. Think good things that agree with God’s Word on purpose. Think about God’s love for you and the good plan He has for your life. Think about how you can be a blessing to other people and how you can be a blessing to God by simply being available for Him to work through. Thinking right thoughts will close the door to wrong ones, and in the process, it also closes the door to the devil.

Prayer of Thanks: I thank You, Father, that I am Your child and I am greatly blessed. Today, I choose to think God-honoring thoughts, focusing on Your goodness in my life. I am grateful that I can choose what thoughts I am going to dwell on.