Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day – Stick to the Plan

Stick to the Plan
– From When Satan Attacked My Thoughts by Joyce Meyer

Matthew 5:37
But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

Some people are more naturally gifted at staying focused, but anyone can improve through practice. I am a fairly focused person usually, but I know several people who struggle with staying focused. Sticking to a plan is more difficult for them but it is not impossible. “Do the best you can and keep growing” is always my advice.

Our relationship with God is not based on our plan for the day or how organized we are; He loves us unconditionally. However, living life “on purpose” is the only way we are going to end up being the person we truly want to be and enjoying the best life we possibly can.

Focus, focus, focus on what God has called you to do! Learn from Joyce about the need to stay determined to stick to your assignment.

Joyce says, “Do the best you can and keep growing.” Seizing the day is all about making the most of every moment. If you slip up, dust yourself off and try again. Don’t give up!