Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day

From childhood, Jesus walked in the supernatural favor of God and men. In fact, He was so popular He could hardly find time alone to pray and fellowship with His heavenly Father. Even those who did not believe in Him as the Christ recognized that He walked in the favor of God.

The guards sent by the Pharisees to arrest Jesus returned saying, Never has a man talked as this Man talks! (John 7:46 AMPC). And right up to the end of His life, even while He was on the cross, the people recognized that God was with Him (see Luke 23:47-48).

This same favor is available to us. We must never forget that no matter what happens, we can have favor with God and with other people (see Luke 2:52). But like so many good things in life, we must put our faith in God to receive it.

So today, live by faith, confidently knowing that God will give you the favor Jesus had. Regardless of the circumstances that come into your life, believe God for supernatural favor.