Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day

Fear can be a powerful influence in our lives, but it’s really just the enemy’s perversion of faith. He says to us: “Believe what I’m telling you. This is not going to work. Your prayers aren’t any good. You don’t have right standing with God. You are a failure.”

Fear always tells you what you’re not, what you don’t have, what you can’t do and what you’ll never be. But Romans 8:15 says that you are a child of God who can call Him “Abba Father.”

The word Abba was a term little children used in addressing their fathers. It would be similar to our word “Daddy.” It is less formal than Father and denotes a comfortable closeness between a child and his or her father.

Jesus said we could call God Abba because He had delivered us from all fear. He will always take care of His beloved children, and we can approach Him without fear of rejection. When we run to Him with any problem or pain, He’s waiting with open arms to comfort and encourage us.