Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day

Life isn’t supposed to be complicated. Jesus didn’t die so we could live complicated, frustrated, miserable lives. John 10:10 says He died for us so we could have and enjoy life. The minute everything gets complicated, it steals joy. We need to learn how to stop stressing and stop living an excessively busy lifestyle.

The opposite lifestyle is one of simplicity. Simplicity means “single, consisting of one thing, unmingled.” God has dealt with me about living a simpler life. He has shown me that the only way to do this is to just be about “one thing.”

God just wants us to be about Him. He tells us in His Word that we won’t inherit His kingdom if we don’t come to Him very simply as a little child and say, “I believe.”

That almost sounds too easy, and you might want to complicate it…but don’t! God’s plan for you is simple. It may not make sense to your mind, but there’s nothing complicated about God, and He doesn’t want you to be complicated. Come to Him today, saying, “I believe.” Make Him your “One Thing.”