Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day

I remember a morning when I sat down to pray and instead began to worry about whatever my current situation was and to consider what I was going to do about it.

Suddenly I heard that still, small voice inside my spirit say, Joyce, are you going to worship your problem or Me? See, God was more than willing to handle my problem if I was willing to forget it and spend time worshipping Him.

When we worship the Lord, we release the emotional or mental burden that weighs us down. It is swallowed up in the awesomeness of God. When we keep our eyes on Him and worship, we will always see His plan for our lives work out all things for our good.

The Bible says there is no lack for those who truly worship the Lord with godly fear. Do you want to be sure all your needs will be met? Then remember to worship, not worry.

Regardless of the difficulties you face, just keep praising God and giving Him glory. Faith will rise in your heart, and you will overcome.