Joyce Meyer Devotional for the day

Have you ever heard the biblical phrase “pray without ceasing”? To many, that sounds daunting and impossible. How could anyone bow their head, kneel, and pray 24 hours a day?

We need to have a more accurate and practical definition of prayer. Too often we view prayer as a very specific process that can only happen once we’ve gone to a private place and shut the entire world out.

But do you realize that even directing a thought toward God qualifies as silent prayer? It’s true! Prayer is communicating with God, so when the Bible says to “pray without ceasing” it means to always be open to communication with God. That could mean a two-hour prayer session, or it could be something as simple as being aware of His presence as you go throughout your day.

God has not made prayer complicated. He intends for prayer to be an integral, ongoing part of our everyday lives. So today, change your definition of prayer, and you can experience the joy that comes from constant communication with the God who loves you.